a very small African and Madagascan parrot with mainly green plumage and typically a red or black face, noted for the affectionate behaviour of mated birds
〈非 正式〉 (不掩饰其亲密关系的)一对情侣。
n. 情鸟;牡丹鹦鹉;一对情侣
They come from the island of Madagascar off the coast of Africa and are the smallest of the lovebird species.
As a lovebird I want to gather sweet memories with my lovers so that we can review our past to recover our feelings.
The premiere of the Tattoo will be on 14th of Feb, thus this two "lovebird" will be holding hands walking down the red carpet then.
由于「刺青」在柏林影展的首映场就安排在2月14日情人节晚上,因此这对片中的「 小情侣」,也将在美丽的情人夜携手走红地毯。
灰头情侣鹦鹉(学名:Agapornis canus)为鹦形目鹦鹉科的鸟类,在希腊语中“Agape”是爱的意思,而“Ornis”则是雀鸟的意思,故又称为“爱情鸟”。是一种非常喜欢群居及深情亲切的鹦鹉。体长一般在14厘米左右,体重26克。喙白色,眼黑色。生活在非洲热带丛林中,常集大群生活,一般在树洞中营巢繁殖,以各种植物种子、水果和桨果为食。在野外,该鸟常集群危害农作物及果园,遭到当地农民驱赶。由于这种鸟羽色艳丽,常被捕捉饲养,致使野生数量越来越少。
a very small African and Madagascan parrot with mainly green plumage and typically a red or black face, noted for the affectionate behaviour of mated birds
〈非 正式〉 (不掩饰其亲密关系的)一对情侣。