The HeForShe conference was watched over 11 million times, sparking 1.2 billion social media conversations, culminating in the HeForShe hashtag becoming so popular that Twitter painted it on the walls of its headquarters.
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It also will explore the nature and function of narrative in cinema and video through exercises and screenings culminating in a final project.
By completing assignments preliminary to the culminating essay in each phase of the course, you will examine and rehearse the writing process.
Heart failure (CHF) is the direct cause of death of a variety of cardiovascular diseases, culminating in irreversible myocardial necrosis and fibrosis.
As selected events happen within the hub, a series of steps will be triggered, culminating in a message about the event being sent to an external system.
There was a sequence of pharaohs culminating around 2615 BC, with the Pharaoh Cheops who built the biggest thing, the Great Pyramid, also known as Khufu.