a North American mahonia which forms a spreading bush with spiny leaves
n. 亮叶十大功劳
Herbs for children's moist, deep coughs include Horehound, Mullein, Astragalus, Garden Sage and Oregon Grape root.
Herbal extractions like Oregon Grape Root extract and Herbal Detox Tea combinations that gently cleanse your body of toxins and help optimize your liver function.
Seattle is also home to the Oregon grape — more closely related to the barberry than an actual grape — and English ivy, an invasive vine that Seattle-area crafting groups weave into baskets.
脉叶十大功劳(学名:Berberis nervosa)常绿灌木。奇数羽状复叶,边缘有刺针状锯齿,革质,平滑而有光泽。花小,黄色,总状花序。浆果圆形或矩圆形,蓝黑色,被白粉。喜光,也耐阴,较耐寒,又耐旱。对土壤要求不严,萌蘖力强。 繁殖用播种、扦插、分株均可。枝干挺直,叶形奇异,黄花成簇,十分典雅。可点缀于假山上或岩隙、溪边。也可盆栽。
a North American mahonia which forms a spreading bush with spiny leaves