a pointed end where two curves meet, in particular
【建筑】 哥特式窗花格尖头(叶形饰的)尖头,三角尖顶。
a cone-shaped prominence on the surface of a tooth, especially of a molar or premolar
【剖】 (心瓣膜的)尖瓣。
【数】 尖点,歧点,会切点。
each of the pointed ends of a crescent, especially of the moon
【占星】 天宫入口,黄道记号尖端
he was Aries on the cusp with Taurus .他属白羊宫,在金牛宫入口处。
〈喻〉 过渡期,过渡点
those on the cusp of adulthood .即将成年的那些人。
"late 16th cent. (in sense 2): from Latin