a person employed in an office or bank to keep records, accounts, and undertake other routine administrative duties
a bank clerk .银行职员。
an official in charge of the records of a local council or court
a clerk to the magistrates .地方法官的档案管理员。
a senior official in Parliament
a lay officer of a cathedral, parish church, college chapel, etc.
a chapter clerk .教会执事。
〈北美〉 宾馆接待员。
an assistant in a shop; a sales clerk
(亦 作
〈正式〉 牧师,教士。
〈古〉 读书识字的人;学者。
〈北美〉 当职员
eleven of those who left college this year are clerking in auction stores .今年的大学毕业生中有11人在拍卖行当职员。
Clerk of the Closet (in the UK) the sovereign's principal chaplain (英国)君主的首席牧师 -
clerk of the course an official who assists the judges in horse racing or motor racing (赛马、赛车的)裁判助理 -
clerk of (the )works Brit . a person who oversees building work in progress 〈英〉 (建筑工作的)现场监督员
"Old English