if clause
时间: 2024-06-09 19:13:17


  • The capability is checked against null in the first part of the if clause.

    功能是根据 if 语句的第一部分获得的。

  • The if clause determines whether the value of the ResponseRequested sub-element for a given comment is equal to Yes.

    if 子句判断一条给定评论的 ResponseRequested 子元素的值是否等于 “Yes”。

  • If we got an if then statement are we asserting an antecedent, an if clause or the consequent, Q the then clause, or are we saying if P then Q.


  • The expression used in the if statement (and in the elif clause and the while loop discussed later in this article) can be as complex as necessary.


  • When the if clause has more than one condition, you can choose to have it evaluate to true when any of the conditions are true or when all of the conditions are true.

    当 if 子句有多个条件时,您可以选择让它在任何条件为 true 时求值为 true,或者在所有条件都为 true 时才求值为 true。


prevaricated v. 搪塞;闪烁其词;吞吞吐吐;(prevaricate的过去式和过去分词)

glide v. 滑动;滑翔;使滑行;使滑动。n. 滑行;滑动;滑移;滑音;延音;停车机动;飞行;斜击;滑行型舞步

exes n. 费用;(ex的复数)

burial n. 埋葬;掩埋;葬礼;坟墓;遗骸;出殡;遗骨;葬地

matsuyama 松山

besting vt. 打败;胜过;(best的现在分词)

data roaming

speaker n. 说话者;议长;演讲者;做讲座者;讲某种语言的人

our hopes 我们的希望

leaped n. 跳跃;跃进。v. 跳跃;(leap的过去式和过去分词)