during the period of time preceding (a particular event, date, or time)
[as prep.]
she had to rest before dinner 她用餐前要休息一下
the day before yesterday 前天
[as conjunction]
they lived rough for four days before they were arrested 他们在度过了艰难的四天后被捕了
it wasn't long before I had my first bite 没一会儿我就第一次等到了鱼来咬饵
[as adv.]
his playing days had ended six years before 他轻松愉快的日子六年前就结束了
it's never happened to me before .我以前从未碰到过这种事。
in front of
[as prep.]
Matilda stood before her, panting 马蒂尔达气喘吁吁地站在她面前
the patterns swam before her eyes 各种图案在眼前浮现
[as adv.]
archaic 〈古〉trotting through the city with guards running before and behind 在卫兵前呼后拥下一路小跑穿过城市。
[prep.]in front of and required to answer to (a court of law, tribunal, or other authority)
he could be taken before a magistrate for punishment .他可能会被送到地方法官那里接受处罚。
in preference to; with a higher priority than
[as prep.]
rangers are taught to put their horses' comfort before their own 骑兵被教导关心马匹要胜过关心自己
a woman who placed duty before all else 一位视职责高于一切的妇女
[as conjunction]
they would die before they would cooperate with each other .他们宁死也不愿合作。
before long 不久以后
"Old English