a tree-nesting North American duck, the male of which has brightly coloured plumage
林鸳鸯。亦称<Bold>CAROLINA DUCK</Bold>.
n. 林鸳鸯
The Mandarin duck is a medium-size perching duck, closely related to the North American wood duck.
With pleasure. The main points are the quality of the duck chosen and the type of wood burned.
After a kind of dressing being spread all over a duck, it will be hooked up in the oven over the flame coming directly from the burning of the fruit-tree wood and it will be done in forty minutes.
Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck cut down the wood in the forest.
The big white duck in red boot can't find good food to eat in such bad wood on foot.
林鸳鸯(学名:Aix sponsa)是北美产颜色艳丽的小型树栖鸟。营巢于离地面15米的树洞中。体长约48厘米,雄雌均具独特羽冠。雄鸟羽冠有两条纵列的白色条纹,雌鸟羽毛上有白色眼环,体羽为煤灰色,幼雏于出壳的次日即可随雌鸟离巢,能从高达15米的巢跳到地面。雏鸟以水生昆虫和其他小生物为食,成鸟喜吃橡子或其他坚果。分布于欧亚大陆及非洲北部。
a tree-nesting North American duck, the male of which has brightly coloured plumage
林鸳鸯。亦称<Bold>CAROLINA DUCK</Bold>.