Archaeologists identify ancient open-air encampments through tools, tool production and food remains.
The refugee encampments will provide some respite from the suffering.
List of encampments of people of Israel during their wandering in the desert.
Wolves that showed less aggression towards humans could come closer to their encampments, feeding on leftovers.
Makeshift encampments of people who don't have permanent homes have long existed on the margins of many U.S. cities.
Makeshift encampments of people who don't have permanent homes have long existed on the margins of many U. S. cities.
Fierce fightings saw troops use rubber bullets and tear gas in an attempt to clear the red-shirts from one of their two encampments in the city.
The book of Numbers recounts the itinerary of the Israelites throughout the 40 years of their wanderings and encampments around the sacred tabernacle.
These small, tough animals have galloped the dusty hills since the late 1500s, when their ancestors strayed from the encampments of the conquistadores.
这些生物体型矮小,桀骜不驯。 早在16世纪末,野马的祖先从西班牙征服者的营地里走失,从此世代驰骋于这片沙砾堆积的群山之上。
The city authorities in Rome have several times destroyed Gypsy encampments, but the Catholic Church now goes out of its way to help provide charitable aid for Gypsy families.