I don't know. You do. Finches. And what else? Finches and mockingbirds. Yes. Yes.
《Girl Meets World Season 1》《女孩成长记 第一季》
Darwin didn't study turkeys. He studied finches and mockingbirds. His boat was the beagle.
《Girl Meets World Season 1》《女孩成长记 第一季》
Finches and mockingbirds, his boat was The Beagle, and for extra credit, Galapagos. Charles Darwin.
《Girl Meets World Season 3》《女孩成长记 第三季》
Type genus of the family Mimidae: mockingbirds.
Although mockingbirds superbly c the songs and calls of many birds, they can nonetheless be quickly identified as mockingbirds by certain aural clues.
Although mockingbirds superbly mimic the songs and calls of many birds,they can nonetheless be quickly identified as mockingbirds by certain aural clues.
Although mockingbirds superbly mimic the songs and calls of many birds, they can nonetheless be quickly identified as mockingbirds by certain aural clues.
The room was so still I could hear mockingbirds quarreling in the fruitless mulberry trees.
Lord Petyr was clad in a blue velvet tunic with puffed sleeves, his silvery cape patterned with mockingbirds. "I suppose congratulations are in order," he said as he seated himself.
嘲鸫科(学名:Mimidae)是鸟纲雀形目的一科中型鸟类,共11属、35种、86个亚种。体型较小,翅膀短圆,尾长,腿长。大多是灰色或棕色,白色或有此许红褐色。嘲鸫栖息于森林、开放林地、灌木和沙漠中。极擅长鸣叫和模仿,能学习各种鸣叫。分布限于美洲,这一科是美洲鸟类里鸣声最美妙,声调最复杂,音量相当大的鸟类。它们常模仿其它鸟类和动物的鸣声。英文名称“模仿鸟”(Mockingbirds)。美国西部比较常见的嘲鸫是栗臀弯嘴嘲鸫(crissal thrasher)和高山弯嘴嘲鸫(sage thrasher)。