Do gooses get goosebumps and why is bellybutton lint blue?
Jim: Huh. These ducks are funny... The gooses are funny too.
Langde gooses introduced from Saibala Company of France have been successfully bred. The weight of liver of this kind of goose is 800g.
Yan Lake is located at the top of Yan Dang Mountain and also named Ping Lake; the name Yan Dang is derived from the perches of wild gooses.
The project can fill the blank in China. As a state level key enterprise of agricultural industry Jiangsu Xingyun Group has breeding and processing bases of millions of gooses.
江苏兴云集团属 国家级农业产业化龙头企业,有百万只肉鹅养殖加工基地,经营花果山风鹅、鹅肥肝 等五大系列产品,产品畅销国内20 多个省市。