musical theater
时间: 2024-02-15 19:03:27
英 [ˈmjuːzɪk(ə)l 'θɪətə]
美 [ˈmjuzək(ə)l ˈθiətər]


  • This is a fantastic chance to perform with musical theater professionals.


  • You've done a lot of musical theater.


  • Is "seance" a musical theater work with operatic elements?


  • The show was also honored with the Grammy for Best Musical Theater Album.


  • After her graduation, she worked in musical theater, repertory, and television.


  • Hammerstein had a profound influence on the young Sondheim, especially in his development of love for musical theater.


  • Miyuki, also known for her culinary skills, spent six years acting in the Takarazuka Revue, an all-female musical theater group.


  • She's been responsible for some of the most successful musical theater productions in history; she's given pleasure to millions; and she's a multi-millionaire.


  • Complete with dancing, singing, instrument playing, and even a short musical theater performance about "Leehom's Dream World", this concert is sure to be fun and fresh!


  • The four main areas of studies – Pre-School Music Course, Choir, Musical Theater and Instrumental Playing meet the needs of children with different interests and abilities.


  • Mr. Schwartz participated in a City Opera panel discussion this month, moderated by the company’s general manager, George Steel, on the topic of what defines opera and musical theater.

    Schwartz先生在这个月参加了一个由公司总经理George Steel指出的City Opera的研讨,讨论主题是歌剧与音乐剧的定义。

  • In the four centuries since Romeo and Juliet was first performed, Shakespeare's tragic tale of "star cross'd lovers" has been recast into formats from high school comedy to musical theater.


  • Being part of a Chinese Musical Theater production has been quite an experience-but not too far off from the crazy, ever-changing, hectic, and fun experience of opening a show in New York City.


  • In addition to Wall Street, New York is also famous for theater, so musical theater stars like Liza Minnelli and the cast of the hit musical "Jersey Boys" have also had the honor of ringing the bell.


  • Nearly every movie theater, however modest, had a piano or organ to provide musical accompaniment to silent pictures.


  • Residents can watch touring musical acts, plays, and dance performances at Fort Pierce's 1, 200-seat Sunrise Theater.


  • But when he pitched Andre Bishop, the artistic director at Lincoln Center Theater, on the musical idea, Bishop just "rolled his eyes," Wright says.

    当他向林肯中心剧院的艺术指导andre Bishop宣传他的音乐理念时,Bishop只是“转动了一下眼睛”,Wright说。

  • In 1904, local merchants, hoping to increase revenue, constructed the Grand Pier, which included a pavilion with a 2,000-seat theater for plays, musical ACTS and operas.


  • In 1904, local merchants, hoping to increase revenue, constructed the Grand Pier, which included a pavilion with a 2, 000-seat theater for plays, musical ACTS and operas.


  • Sondheim traces his interest in theater to Very Warm for May, a Broadway musical he saw at the age of nine.

    桑德海姆对戏剧的兴趣要追溯到《炎热的五月》[Very Warm for May]——他在九岁时观看的一部百老汇音乐剧。


invidious adj. 可能遭人怨恨的;会惹人愤怒的;招人嫉妒的;厚此薄彼的;不公平的;歧视的

bather n. 游泳者;游泳衣

dials v. 拨号;拨打电话;用标度(盘)测量;(dial的第三人称单数)。n. 表盘;日晷;钟面;拨号盘;刻度盘;转盘;(dial的复数)

supplicated vi. 恳请;哀求;(supplicate的过去式)

remanded v. 送回;(remand的过去分词)。n. 还押

operational definition 运作定义;操作定义

quit one's job 辞职

endorsing vt. 赞同;支持;签署;(endorse的现在分词形式)

unpredictable adj. 无法预测的;不定的;易变的;不可预言的

on the move 在变换地方, 在奔波;在前进, 在发展