时间: 2023-10-14 07:32:03
英 [ɪn'taɪtl]
美 [ɪn'taɪtl]

v. 给予称号;取名

  • The result of a Google Books API search for '+ intitle: PHP' shows two of 310 results filtered by title.

    一个搜索“+ intitle: php”的Google Books API搜索的结果,显示了根据标题过滤的310个结果中的两个。

  • Google has some very powerful, hidden search parameters, too. For example "intitle" only searches page titles.

    Google也有很多功能强大却隐藏着的搜索参数,例如“intitle”仅仅只会搜索网页标题(titles) .你可以用这个例子试一试:intitle:网页设计。

  • The result of a Google Books API search for '+ intitle: PHP + inauthor: vikram + vaswani' with two of 10 filtered items.

    一个搜索“+ intitle: php + inauthor: vikram + vaswani”的Google Books API搜索的结果,显示了10个已过滤项目中的两个。

  • I don't know why intitle "the chapped bridge", perhaps it is a joke the earth gaggery to human! We can't find our truly blessedness without suffering pain.



intitle(英[ɪn'taɪtl],美[ɪn'taɪtl]),英语单词,作动词为给予称号;取名。例句为“I don't know why intitle‘The chapped bridge, perhaps it is a joke the earth gaggery to human! We can't find our truly blessedness without suffering pain.(‘断桥’何以得名我无从知晓,也许就是地球跟人类开的一个玩笑吧,不经历苦难有情人找不到真正的幸福。)”


do well 做好;做得好;表现得好

allow v. 承认;允许;让;给予;酌留;认为;考虑到;顾及;同意…做;准许…拥有

dermis n. 皮肤;真皮

is everything ok

in back of 背部;背面;后面

camouflaging n. 伪装;掩饰。v. 伪装;掩饰;(camouflage的现在分词)

pharmacists n. 药剂师;(pharmacist的复数)

for man

prayer n. 祷告;祈祷;祷文;祷辞;愿望;祈望;祈祷仪式

reduce probability 减少概率