an outdoor overgarment, typically sleeveless, that hangs loosely from the shoulders
〈喻〉 覆盖物,遮掩物
lifting the cloak of secrecy on the arms trade .揭开军火贸易的秘密面纱。
〈英〉 衣帽间;行李寄存处;盥洗室。
dress in a cloak
she was an introverted soul who cloaked herself in black 她是个披着身黑色斗篷的内向的人
they sat cloaked and hooded .他们坐着,披着斗篷,戴着头巾。
〈喻〉 隐藏;覆盖;掩饰
she cloaked her embarrassment by rushing into speech .她急忙开口说话,以掩饰自己的尴尬。
"Middle English: from Old French