cut or gather (a crop or harvest)
large numbers of men were employed to reap the harvest 雇佣大批男劳力收割庄稼
figurative 〈喻〉
in terms of science, the Apollo programme reaped a meagre harvest .就科学研究而言,阿波罗计划收获甚微。
harvest the crop from (a piece of land)
〈喻〉 获得,收到,得到(报答,好处)
the company is poised to reap the benefits of this investment .该公司做好准备收获这一投资的收益。
reap the harvest (或fruits )of suffer the results or consequences of 遭受…的后果critics believe we are now reaping the harvest of our permissive ways . 批评家们相信我们正在遭受因采取宽容放任的态度所带来的后果 -
you reap what you sow proverb you eventually have to face up to the consequences of your actions 〈谚〉 自食其果
"Old English