时间: 2023-10-25 07:05:41

v. 使终止;使结束;终止(妊娠);(火车,公共汽车)到达终点;(terminate的第三人称单数)

  • The first backquote not preceded by a backslash terminates the command substitution.


  • Terminates the debugging session and builds your code with the changes.


  • As soon as a debugger shuts down, it terminates all the applications that were under its control.


  • On a WebSphere distributed server, the terminate function terminates a server by calling an operation system sigkill.


  • Setting override_signal_handling ensures that the program terminates and core, even if these signals have been handled by the application.

    设置 override_signal_handling 可以确保该程序终止并进行核心转储,即使应用程序已经对这些信号进行了处理。

  • Instead, the life cycle of that segment of session data is carefully managed by Seam and it is automatically cleaned up when the conversation terminates.


  • Since a NULL pointer terminates a list, we can also use the NULL pointer condition as a base case for many of our recursive functions on linked lists.

    由于 NULL 指针会结束一个链表,所以我们也可以使用 NULL 指针条件作为基于链表的很多递归程序的基线条件。

  • The syncpoint can be explicitly coded within the CICS application using the EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT command, or is implicitly reached when the task terminates.

    在 CICS 应用程序内部使用 EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT 命令明确的编写同步点,或当任务终止时隐含地达到同步点。

  • Powerwait: Only execute the command if init receives a power fail signal, and wait until the process terminates before continuing to scan the inittab file.


  • X terminates when the program it was running as its "session" terminates; in this case, that's the TWM program that the xinitrc exec'd as its last command.


  • The new process created by spawn will continue to execute until it terminates, either normally (that is, with no error) or abnormally (some fault occurred).


  • If the approval type is AutoRejected, the process transitions to the Rejected state where the decision is logged into the database and the process terminates.


  • The tester who is going to run this script will generally appreciate it if the script terminates shortly after being invoked in case a variable is not correct.


  • Since this is an extension to the browser request, the CGI program is transient: it is created by the request and it terminates once it has returned its result.

    因为这是对于浏览器请求的扩展,所以 CGI 程序是暂时性的:通过请求创建,一旦返回结果就终止。

  • NET Framework 4, by default, if a Task that has an unobserved exception is garbage collected, the finalizer throws an exception and terminates the process.


  • The END() subroutine executes when the script terminates and ensures that a DBI error message about not explicitly disconnecting from the database doesn't occur.

    当脚本终止并且确保没有出现关于数据库未显式分离的 DBI 错误消息时, END() 子例程就会执行。

  • After this thread terminates, the thread at 4th RT priority is allowed to run, but it merely bypasses the for loop because it has been directed to terminate.

    此线程结束后,就允许运行具有第4 RT优先级的线程,但它只是绕过for循环,因为系统指示结束该线程。

  • Even if you don't use multithreading, initialize Xerces-C + + up front to avoid multiple calls to this function and then terminate when your application terminates.

    即使不使用多线程处理,也要预先初始化xerces - C+ +以避免多次调用这个函数,然后在应用程序结束时将其终止。

  • If Recipient terminates the Agreement, cf. clauses 17 and 19 of the Agreement, Recipient is obliged to purchase the Products already placed in the stock system.


  • If the output type is Statistics only, then the table is created and filled during the execution of the rule, but it is removed immediately after the rule terminates.

    如果输出类型为Statistics only,那么将会在规则执行过程中创建并填充表,但是,在规则终止后会立即删除该表。


hard at it 忙得不可开交

cratered adj. 多坑的;有坑洞的。vt. 毁坏;取消;在…上形成坑;(crater的过去式和过去分词)。vi. 形成坑;消亡;(crater的过去式和过去分词)

trinity n. 基督教三位一体;三位一体;三合一;三件套;三人组合;三位一体状态

contact support 端钮支架

alarm n. 恐慌;警戒;警报;闹钟;警报器;警报声。v. 使…感到惊恐;设有警报器的

load bearing 承载;承重;符合承载

aluminum n. 铝

recited vt. 叙述;背诵;列举;(recite的过去式和过去分词)。vi. 背诵;(recite的过去式和过去分词)

defiled n. 狭谷;隘路。vt. 弄脏;污损;(defile的过去式和过去分词)。vi. 以纵队前进;(defile的过去式和过去分词)

report card n. 学生成绩报告单;表现鉴定