Greece’s prime minister, Costas Karamanlis, called a snap election, possibly in early October.
希腊首相科斯塔斯•卡拉曼利斯(Costas Karamanlis)要求提前举行选举,时间(赠译)可能会选(赠译)在10月初。
COSTAS array has better correlation properties compared with the normal frequency hopping arrays.
As RECENTLY as two years ago, a forest fire came close to burning down the home of Costas Karamanlis.
COSTAS SYNOLAKIS: "Japan is one of those most well-prepared countries on earth in terms of tsunami warning."
COSTAS SYNOLAKIS:“日本是世界上在海啸预警方面准备最为充分的国家之一。”
Costas Malamas has provided an alternative parsing method that USES the expat parser and stream-oriented techniques.
Costas Malamas提供了一种替代语法分析方法,这种方法使用expat语法分析器和面向流技术。