the white company
时间: 2024-03-12 21:06:47


  • She wore a red ribbon in her hair, and was the only one of the white company who could boast of such a pronounced adornment.


  • The name of the company is written in red on a white background.


  • The Olympic class ships were built by the Harland & Wolff ship makers in Northern Ireland for the White Star Line company.

    奥林匹克级邮轮是北爱尔兰的 Harland & Wolff 造船厂为白星航运公司建造的。

  • In the interval a blond boy dressed in white serenaded the company on the flute.


  • When the Ford Motor Company, for example, recently announced that it was bringing some production home, the White House cheered.


  • Mr. White: Those are company cars provided to the sales staff for their business trips. Also, some employees receive sales commissions.


  • Mr Attenborough says this has "implications" for White Knight Two, which indicates that the company is also looking at greener fuels for the carrier aircraft.


  • The onus of proving that a company is whiter than white will bring huge time demands and a heavy paper trail with it.19.


  • Steve Jobs said in the email reply to one of the Apple customer that company is planning to launch White version of iPhone 4 before Christmas 2010.

    斯蒂夫·乔布斯在回复一位苹果客户的电子邮件中说公司计划在2010年圣诞节前发布白色版本的iPhone 4。

  • The ship belonged to the White Star line but when that company was sold to Cunard the Titanic was not part of the sale because it was already a wreck and considered unrecoverable.

    该船属于白星航运公司(White Star line),但是当该公司出售给卡纳德公司(Cunard)时,泰坦尼克号不属于销售的一部分,这是由于当时它已是艘沉船,而且被认为无法重新获得。

  • The company, founded in 2003 in Park City, Utah, made its mark selling colorful, street art-inspired audio gear in an iPod white or everyone-else-black world.

    Skullcandy公司于2003年成立于美国犹他州帕克市。 目前,iPod采用白色耳机,而其他公司则仅有单调的黑色产品,Skullcandy则受到街头文化的启发,推出了彩色音频设备,让公司异军突起。

  • Adams left banking when his then-boss "told me the company already had too many generic white guys in senior management, and promoting me would only make things worse."


  • Here is one in a series of "cool guys on white horses" ads (1956), and one highlighting that the company has been in business since 1746.


  • Meanwhile, the company is trying to restructure its main operations and benefit from a shift from black-and-white printing and copying to color.


  • She worked for a traveling theater company. She also worked as a maid, cleaning the homes of white people.


  • Bank of America Corp. and White & Case LLP acted as financial advisers and legal counsel to GMR, the company said.


  • The company claims that the coating cools traditional roofs by 50 to 80 percent in summer, and holds on to about 80 percent more warmth than a white roof in the winter.


  • Upper-class people are indulged: Mr Dolphus Raymond is a wealthy white man from a "fine old family" who prefers the company of black people.


  • He had ordered a large, professionally engraved sign (white letters on blue) and affixed the Saturn company logo on it.


  • The white iPhone 4 box here has a label warning it is only meant for internal company use and not for sale!

    图片中的白色iPhone 4包装盒上有一个标签,表明仅供内部流通使用。


replacer n. 替代者;复原者;置换器;装卡工具

innocent victim 无辜受害者

institute n. 学会;协会;机构;注释;论述;概要。v. 实行;建立;设立;任命;授予…职位;开始

reston 赖斯顿

be applicable to 适用于;适应于;可应用于

point mutation n. 基因点突变

descender n. 下伸部分;下伸字母

make an issue of 小题大做;夸大其事

vua vua

plagiarizes 抄袭