The first bus departs at six o’clock in the morning.
The boat departs from King's Bridge.
The plane departs at 6.00 a.m.
The train for London departs from Platform 2.
Those who want to buy tickets at the city's railway stations should be aware that ticket sales for spots on high-speed trains start six days before a train departs.
Since cognitive linguistics sticks to the idea that language use is grounded in our daily experience, therefore it departs from the mainstream generative linguistics in many aspects.
Without observing the inner side of the practical blackbody, the axial reflectivity is maximum, and the reflectivity decreases as the angle that departs from axis increases.
A flight departure is counted as on time if it departs the gate within 15 minutes of the scheduled departure time shown in the carriers schedule.
The hotel mamagement reserves the right to open the box and remove contents, without liability, if key is not surrendered when you departs from hotel.
Gauntlgrym also departs from previous Salvatore books in another key way–past books focused on a short period of intense action over a limited timeframe.