a rod or bar forming part of a framework and designed to resist compression
[in sing.]a stiff, erect, and apparently arrogant or conceited gait
that old confident strut and swagger has returned .那种原有的目中无人、昂首阔步、得意忘形的神态又回来了。
[no obj., with adverbial]walk with a stiff, erect, and apparently arrogant or conceited gait
peacocks strut through the grounds .孔雀神气活现地走过场地。
[with obj.]brace (something) with a strut or struts
the holes were close-boarded and strutted .那些洞被木板紧密围封并加有支撑。
strut one's stuff informal dance or behave in a confident and expressive way 〈非正式〉 自信而富有表现力地跳舞;(行为)炫耀
"Old English