Tokenize logins, to make repeat attacks difficult?
To tokenize (that is, split a line into word-length pieces) a string, use the split() function.
若要 tokenize(也就是说,将一行拆分为单词长度的片段)某个字符串,请使用 split() 函数。
I use the tokenize function to separate each column, then the substring-after function gets to the data value.
我使用了tokenize函数来分隔每列,然后再用substring - after函数获得这个数据值。
Tokenize Configuration, which provides a repeatable way of injecting variable information into configuration files
Tokenize Configuration,这个模式提供一种可重复的把可变信息注入配置文件中的方法
The new tokenize function performs the opposite action, disaggregating a string with a separator to mark the boundaries.
新增的 tokenize 函数执行相反的操作,用分隔符标记字符串之间的边界。