got off
时间: 2023-09-11 09:24:20
英 [ɡɒt ɒf]
美 [ɡɑt ɔf]


  • Phillips murdered his wife, but got off on a plea of insanity.


  • We seem to have got off the subject we're meant to be discussing.


  • He was convicted of assaulting a police officer but he got off with a light sentence.


  • One of the accused got off lightly in exchange for pleading guilty to withholding information from Congress.


  • We got off straight after breakfast.


  • Yeah, that's odd. There's nowhere he could have got off?


    《Sherlock Season 3》《神探夏洛克 第三季》

  • Hey. I just got off the phone with Estelle and guess what. I GOT THE LEAD IN A MOVIE.


    《Friends Season 5》《老友记 第五季》

  • You guys got separated? I was on the bus and then I got off to help and she didn't see me.

    你们走散了? 当时我在车上帮忙,她走的时候没看到我。

    《The Walking Dead S4》《行尸走肉 第四季》

  • Well, I just got off the phone with my lover, James Brolin. Oh really?


    《Friends Season 8》《老友记 第八季》

  • So I got off the phone with President Faust, and I went to the shower.


    《Oprah Winfrey Speech at Harvard》《奥普拉演讲》

  • Well, if that's her giving you a hard time, I think you got off pretty easy.


    《Modern Family Season 6》《摩登家庭 第六季》

  • You did it. You got ordained? Yeah, I just got off the Internet. Man, there is a lot of porn out there. Our minister.


    《Friends Season 7》《老友记 第七季》

  • And when I got off the hospital, I started doing a research on exactly this question.


    《Predictably Irrational》《怪诞行为学》

  • A chance for a meeting, not quite on the books. I just got off the phone, Madam President.


    《House of Cards Season 5》《纸牌屋 第五季》

  • I realized when I got off the phone with you that I could've been a little bit more understanding.


    《Gossip Girl Season 1》《绯闻女孩 第一季》

  • I'm not gonna blow her off. I actually just got off the phone with her. We're going out tomorrow night. I mean, I hope that's okay with you, stranger from the coffeehouse.

    我不会离开她的。我才刚跟她说完电话,我们明晚要出去。我是说,如果你没有意见的话 咖啡屋的陌生人。

    《Friends Season 9》《老友记 第九季》

  • What's Margot up to tonight? She's at a study group all night. Wait, all night tonight? Yeah, I just got off the phone with her. She's got a bio final next week. Why?

    那个... 玛戈今天在干嘛呢?她跟她的学习小组要通宵学习。通宵吗?泡菜秋葵汤菜谱 嗯 ,我刚跟她通过电话。她下周有生物期末考试。怎么了?


  • Oh my God. You got off easy. When my friend Silvie's husband said someone else's name in bed, she cursed him and turned his thingy green.


    《Friends Season 5》《老友记 第五季》

  • I just told every detail I know to whoever I got off the phone with an hour ago. I don't know what you guys are doing. I promise you, Mr. Kim, we are taking this very seriously. And as a parent myself, I can only imagine what you must be feeling. But for me to help you, I do need to know how everything unfolded from your eyes.




in the event that 假若;倘若

studio president 制片主席;影厂厂长

penalty spot n. 点球点;罚球点

taper off 逐渐减少;逐渐变少;逐渐减弱

gell 盖尔

caliginous adj. 暗的;昏暗的;朦胧的

interceding v. 说情;调解;(intercede的现在分词)

perceptional adj. 知觉力的; 知觉作用的

mere supposition 单纯地假设

child marriage 儿童婚姻;童婚;娃娃亲