时间: 2023-08-09 21:08:49
英 [ˈkrɔːlɪŋ]
美 [ˈkrɔːlɪŋ]

vi. 爬行;(crawl的现在分词形式)

n. 爬行;匍匐而行

  • Her hair was crawling with lice.


  • She's always crawling to the boss.


  • There's a spider crawling up your leg.


  • The place was crawling with journalists.


  • We were crawling along the narrow steel lattice of the bridge.



\ncrawling in my skin\nthese wounds they will not heal\nfear is how i fall\nconfusing what is real\nthere's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface\nconsuming\nconfusing\nthis lack of self control i fear is never ending\ncontrolling,\ni can't seemto find myself again\nmy walls are closing in\n(without a sense of confidence and i'm convinced that it's just too much pressure to take)\ni've felt this way before\nso insecurediscomfort,\nendlessly has pulled itself upon me\ndistracting,\nreacting\nagainst my will i stand beside my own reflection\nit's haunting how i can't seem...to find myself again\nmy walls are closing in\n(without a sense of confidence and i'm convinced that it's just too much pressure to take)\ni've felt this way before\nso insecurecrawling in my skin\nthese wounds they will not heal\nfear is how i fall\nconfusing,\nconfusing what is real\nthere's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface\nconsuming,\nconfusing what is real\nthis lack of self control i fear is never ending\ncontrolling,\nconfusing what is real

  • As king, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.


    《The Lion King》《狮子王》

  • There's a wasp crawling on your arm. I'd kill it.


    《Blade Runner 2049》《银翼杀手》

  • Wow. I can actually feel the egg crawling its way back up.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 10》《生活大爆炸 第十季》

  • And for a tiger, it's like crawling on your belly to stalk helpless prey.


    《Ice Age: The Meltdown》《冰川时代2》

  • Is Leonard coming? No, I believe Leonard is waiting for yo to come crawling back to him and apologize.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 3》《生活大爆炸 第三季》

  • All right, I will. How did you get so brave all of a sudden? It's easy. The spider's crawling up your arm.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 4》《生活大爆炸 第四季》

  • You have me at somewhat of a loss. I thought you would've learned a lesson by now, about crawling out of your hole.


    《London Has Fallen》《伦敦陷落》

  • These lands are crawling with Orcs, their numbers are growing and you are on foot. You will never reach the forest alive.


    《The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug》《霍比特人2:史矛革之战》

  • Hi, you guys. Hey. What's in the bag? You know how Emma started crawling? I realized that this place is very unsafe for a baby, so I went to the store and I got some stuff to baby-proof the apartment.

    嗨, 你们好。嘿。袋子里面是什么? 你们都知道艾玛已经开始会爬了?我发现这地方对婴儿而言是很不安全的,所以我去店里买了一些东西 来让公寓更适合婴儿活动。

    《Friends Season 9》《老友记 第九季》


peter v. 逐渐减少;回响。n. 阴茎;单人牢房;保险箱;回声;回声信号;无线电通讯中代表字母E的代码字;(Peter)人名:皮特;彼得

unfastened v. 解开;松开;(unfasten的过去式和过去分词)

encores 安可

split-level adj. 错层式的;分层的。n. 错层式建筑

park bench 公园长凳;公园板凳;公园长椅

entertainment world 娱乐界;娱乐圈;娱乐世界

garden snail n. 散步大蜗牛;拉丁名Helix aspersa;大蜗牛科

airspace n. 空域;空间;领空;空域使用权;绝缘空气带

avowal n. 公开宣布;声明;公开表示

influxes n. 汇集;河口;流入;注入口;(influx的复数)