时间: 2024-01-22 09:15:08
英 ['ekspədaɪtə]
美 ['ekspədaɪtə]

n. 催料员(等于expediter)

  • For more information on the server platform, refer to the Lotus Expeditor Server documentation.

    关于这个服务器平台的更多信息,请参考 Lotus Expeditor Server 文档。

  • On the other hand, the Lotus Expeditor platform is a secure platform that protects your application data.

    另一方面,Lotus Expeditor 平台在保护应用程序数据方面是一个安全的平台。

  • For the purposes of this article, the two names Lotus Expeditor client toolkit and toolkit are interchangeable and represent the same thing.

    在本文中,Lotus Expeditor 客户机工具包和工具包这两个名称是可以互换的,它们表示同一个事物。

  • We encourage you to download and install the sample and to use it as a guide to enable network awareness in your own Lotus Expeditor application.

    建议您下载和安装此示例并使用它作为指导来帮助您在自己的 Lotus Expeditor 应用程序中启用网络感知特性。

  • In this article we describe how to use the Lotus Expeditor client toolkit to develop an RCP application that can run either on a desktop or on a mobile device.

    本文将讨论如何使用 Lotus Expeditor 客户机工具包来开发既可以在桌面设备上运行又可以在移动设备上运行的 RCP 应用程序。

  • How to deploy the migrated project on the Lotus Expeditor runtime


  • Lotus Sametime developers can continue to use their existing projects with Lotus Expeditor Toolkit and take advantage of the simplified configuration and launch provided with the toolkit.


  • Lotus Expeditor adds a variety of features to the Eclipse technology that it extends; these features include intelligent provisioning and configurable user interface.


  • Installing the Lotus Expeditor client on the device or emulator


  • Lotus Expeditor also protects user credentials by storing authentication information, such as user names and passwords, in an encrypted key store.


  • The communication between the views is done using the property broker component, which is part of the Lotus Expeditor platform and therefore available in Lotus Notes V8.

    视图之间的通信是使用属性代理组件实现的,这个组件是LotusExpeditor平台的一部分,因此可以在LotusNotesV8 中使用。

  • When you are ready to create your own applications, you can create projects using Lotus Expeditor Toolkit.


  • Lotus Expeditor provides a mechanism for applying a common style to the user interface of applications.


  • First, Lotus Expeditor supports development and deployment of a wide range of applications


  • Enter the password you chose when installing the Lotus Expeditor desktop client.


  • In this article, you create a sample publisher that is capable of connecting to a Lotus Expeditor micro broker, publish to a topic, and verify the broker's receipt of that message.


  • The Lotus Expeditor network framework is also extensible and provides two extension points that applications can use to provide custom detecting and handling of network faults.


  • Once registered, this subclass receives notifications of network state transitions sent by the Lotus Expeditor network component.


  • On the Lotus Expeditor client, the runtime environment includes


  • Complete the install wizard by accepting the license agreement and restarting Lotus Expeditor.


  • The Lotus Expeditor Toolkit provides the development platform and toolset for development and testing of micro broker client applications.


  • Lotus Expeditor projects have bundle manifest and plugin.xml files that are specific to plug-in projects, so you must understand how these files should be handled.


  • Lotus Expeditor provides an integrated application desktop window, called the desktop workbench, so users can install, manage, and launch one or more applications in a single window.


  • With Lotus Expeditor, you can move key components of your applications from the server to clients by using standard APIs and services.

    在使用LotusExpeditor 时,可以通过使用标准的API和服务,将应用程序的关键组件从服务器转移到客户机中。

  • Because this is constructed by the Lotus Expeditor framework, we cannot initialize this specific instance with our data model.


  • IBM Lotus Expeditor offers a comprehensive set of local APIs and services for building enterprise business applications on the desktop.


  • Another important feature of Lotus Expeditor is dynamic provisioning of the client and subsequent updates on an as-needed basis.


  • Lotus Expeditor has a place in the IBM family of rich clients as a managed client for Service-Oriented Architecture, or SOA, and composite applications.


  • Applications built to run on Lotus Expeditor must provide information to the platform about their contents through the OSGi Manifest file.

    所构建的应用程序要在LotusExpeditor 上运行,必须通过OSGiManifest文件向平台提供关于其内容的信息。

  • Try the new IBM Lotus Expeditor V6.1 framework to create multiple views of the same application that allow smart phones, PDAs, and mobile devices to interact with your software systems seamlessly.



replacer n. 替代者;复原者;置换器;装卡工具

innocent victim 无辜受害者

institute n. 学会;协会;机构;注释;论述;概要。v. 实行;建立;设立;任命;授予…职位;开始

reston 赖斯顿

be applicable to 适用于;适应于;可应用于

point mutation n. 基因点突变

descender n. 下伸部分;下伸字母

make an issue of 小题大做;夸大其事

vua vua

plagiarizes 抄袭