the fastest pace of a horse or other quadruped, with all the feet off the ground together in each stride
the horse broke into a furious gallop 那马狂奔起来
[mass noun]
a mounted police charge at full gallop .一次骑警策马飞驰的猛攻。
a ride on a horse at this pace
Wilfred went for a gallop on the sands .威尔弗雷德在沙地上骑马飞奔。
a very fast pace of running by a person
〈英〉 训练马的跑道;驰马场。
(of a horse)go at the pace of a gallop
[with obj. and adverbial of direction]make (a horse) gallop
Fred galloped the horse off to the start .弗雷德策马向起点飞奔。
(of a person)run fast and rather boisterously
〈喻〉 (快速或毫不费力地)赢得(某物)
Poole galloped through all his heats .普尔轻而易举地赢得了所有预赛的胜利。
〈喻〉 (过程,时间)(似乎无法控制地)快速进展
panic about the deadline galloping towards them 因最后期限的逼近使他们感受到的恐慌
[ as adj.
galloping ]galloping inflation .失控的通货膨胀。
"early 16th cent.: from Old French