In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal and the #MeToo and Time's Up campaigns that have followed, gender equality is at the forefront of conversation in Hollywood right now.
Bill Cosby returned to a Pennsylvania court today for the retrial of his sexual assault case, this one now occurring in the middle of the MeToo movement.
Recently, the fashion designer says that it was the #MeToo movement in Hollywood that inspired her to get back together with the group after years apart.
In a December op-ed for the Los Angeles Times, Dylan asked the men and women of Hollywood why the #MeToo movement had spared her father.
Inevitably, therefore, #MeToo will morph into discussions about the absence of senior women from companies and gaps in average earnings between male and female workers.
This isn't a blip, a MeToo bump or some accident. It is a clear illustration of a destructive trend and a systemic problem.
The talk show queen's widely-applauded speech on Sunday night focused on the plight of sexually abused women and the 'MeToo' movement.
Black Lives Matter, #MeToo and March for Our Lives are reconfiguring cultural norms and may signal a realignment of our politics.
She's written about #MeToo in medicine, navigating her queer identity in a conservative field and her mom's metastatic cancer diagnosis.
There is word that the MeToo movement fighting sexual harassment and assault is beginning to make a stir in China.
Metoo(我也是),是女星艾丽莎·米兰诺(Alyssa Milano)等人2017年10月针对美国金牌制作人哈维·温斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)性侵多名女星丑闻发起的运动,呼吁所有曾遭受性侵犯女性挺身而出说出惨痛经历,并在社交媒体贴文附上标签,藉此唤起社会关注。 2018年9月26日,特朗普在记者会上称,#MeToo运动“非常危险”,其不公平地威胁到整个有权势阶层的男性。