〈非正式〉 附加因素(为说明一些非量化但重要的现象或为保证取得合意的结果而在计算中纳入的估计值)。
These "soft" requirements simply add more fudge to the fudge factor.
But today's report also offered some reassurance that perhaps the fudge factor isn't that big an issue.
Because Einstein thought he needed to model a static universe, he introduced his "cosmological fudge factor" to balance the attractive gravity of matter.
It's the fudge vs. broccoli choice: Chocolate's yum factor tends to beat out the knowledge that sticking with veggies brings an eventual reward of lost pounds.
It's the fudge vs. broccoli choice: Chocolate's yum factor tends to beat out the knowledge that veggies bring an eventual reward of lost pounds.