two sides of the same coin
时间: 2023-10-31 08:46:00
英 [tuː saɪdz ɒv ðə seɪm kɔɪn]
美 [tuː saɪdz əv ðə seɪm kɔɪn]

phr. 一个问题的两方面

  • Presidential elections might as well be a coin toss. It's two sides of the same coin.


  • Semantic dementia and fluent primary progressive aphasia: two sides of the same coin?

    词义性痴呆和流利的原发性进行性失语: 同一硬币的两面?

  • Rightward and leftward bisection biases in spatial neglect: two sides of the same coin?

    空间忽视究竟是右侧优势还是左侧优势: 一枚硬币的两面?

  • For them, gender role and sexual self - identification are merely two sides of the same coin.

    对于他们来说, 性别角色和性自认是一个硬币的两面.

  • But as two sides of the same coin, you need a sense of security, one is high, causing the situation.

    但正如一枚硬币的两面,一面是你所需要的安全感,一面是债台高筑、 苦不堪言的局面。

  • Several studies have suggested that distractibility and creativity are two sides of the same coin…or neuron.


  • Yang is harder, stronger, brighter, and faster, but one can turn into the other or are two sides of the same coin.


  • Rewards and punishments are two sides of the same coin - both are used to control people, and neither works very well.


  • Much like function and form are two sides of the same coin, thinking and tracking the results of that thinking are fundamentally related.



thermal conductivity n. 热导率;导热性(率);导热系数

peace pipe 和平烟斗

encircling v. 包围;(encircle的现在分词)

in a blink 眨眼间;一瞬间

same idea 相同想法

squeak n. 短促的尖叫声;嘎吱声;只言片语。v. 发出刺耳声;嘎吱作响;勉强通过;侥幸成功;紧张(或激动)得尖声说;告密;告发

konjac n. 蒟蒻;魔芋

all that 所有这一切

watch out 小心, 提防

poirier 梨子