be obliged to; should (expressing necessity)
[表示必要] 必须
I must go 我必须去
it mustn't be over 2,000 words 字数不得超过2,000
she said she must be going .她说她必须要走了。
expressing insistence
[表示坚持] 一定
you must try some of this fish 这鱼你一定要尝一点儿
if you must smoke you could at least go in the living room .如果你一定要抽烟的话,至少你可以到客厅里去。
used in ironic questions expressing irritation
[用 于具有讽刺意味的问句中表示恼怒] 一定要,非要
Charlotte, must you put spanners in the works? 夏洛特,难道你非捣乱不可吗?
expressing an opinion about something that is logically very likely
[表 示合乎逻辑的推断] 一定,想必
there must be something wrong 一定是出了什么差错了
you must be tired .你一定是累了。
〈非 正式〉 不该忽视(或不可错过)的东西;必备之物
this video is a must for everyone .这录像每一个人都该看看。
grape juice before or during fermentation
mustiness, dampness, or mould
a pervasive smell of must .四处弥漫的霉味。
the frenzied state of certain male animals, especially elephants or camels, that is associated with the rutting season
a big old bull elephant in must 处于发情期狂暴状态的大老公象
[as modifier]
the must gland .处于发情期狂暴状态的腺体。
I must say 见SAY .must needs do something 见NEEDS .
must have done sth 想必/准是做了...
"Old English