〈非 正式〉 全息图。
Vader allowed him no friends or companions, save a holo-droid named PROXY.
Method of two and Three dimensional holo spectrum plotted by MATLAB software is set forth.
并阐述了利用MAT - LAB软件绘制二维全息谱图和三维全息谱图的方法。
Optical waveguide is the base structure of integrated optics and the holo-optical network.
At HOLO PR we can help you build, communicate, market and manage a brand that works for you.
The establishment of a dynamic system concept provides new methods for optical systems in holo-dynamic adjustment and in error analysis.
Holo是飞艾科技旗下一款集3D试戴、聊天交友、电商导航于一体的APP。 后续版本会增加帽子及头饰试戴。