value equation
时间: 2023-10-28 18:13:26
英 [ˈvæljuː ɪˈkweɪʒn]
美 [ˈvæljuː ɪˈkweɪʒn]

n. 价值方程式

  • If more options are introduced, the value equation changes.


  • We researched on relationship of ion characteristic and retention value with retention value equation of ion chromatography.


  • The operation mechanism is the Graduate Education Quality Value System (GEQVS). The core of GEQVS is the value equation of stockerholder.


  • One way to explore the value of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is from the perspective of the flexibility that is provided to the business and it sides of the value equation.


  • The whole blood viscosity (high and low shearing), plasma viscosity, haematocrit, whole blood reduced viscosity and K value equation were detected with the auto cleaning rotating viscometer.


  • Parents are thinking harder, too, about why they sign big tuition checks, based on a steady stream of email I have received since writing about the college cost-to-value equation a few months ago.


  • The equation is impossible for any value of n greater than 2.


  • The equation is impossible for any value of x greater than 2.


  • The calculation can be an equation or a network transaction that results in a new value.


  • This equation is of some value for describing particles without spin-certain kinds of mesons-but does not apply at all to the electron.


  • One important summary value is a t statistic that can be used to measure how well a linear equation fits the data.


  • You can think of your existing power as the exponent in an equation that determines the value, to you, of more information.


  • When companies make a gratis offer, what they're really doing is muddying the cost-benefit equation and making it more difficult for their prospects to make a clear value determination.


  • A version of an equation explaining a shifting price level is not hard to diagram, although there is some doubt, in higher academic circles, as to whether any such equation is of real value.


  • What this equation merely says is that the present value of your remaining payments is always equal to the mortgage balance.


  • This equation is of some value for describing particles without spin -certain kinds of mesons-but does not apply at all to the electron.


  • Therefore, the research on backward stochastic differential equation is of considerable theoretical significance and practical value.

    因此, 研究倒向随机微分方程具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。

  • He does, however, make a pretty decent point, “Finding out in 140 characters what a stranger has to say about you is like a mathematical equation without an established value of ‘x’.


  • The ordinary differential equation singular boundary value problem is one of the most important branches of ordinary differential equations.


  • Using separation theorem of convex set and the time terminal value function equation, we obtain the determining method of optimal terminal time as well as the Maximum principle.



mcw abbr. 已调制连续波(Modulated Continuous Waves)

a pig in a poke 瞎买的东西;盲目接受的东西

faint light 微弱的光

tracklayer n. 履带式拖拉机

melted vi. 熔化;溶解。vt. 使融化;使熔化;(melt的过去式和过去分词)。adj. 溶解的;融化的;消失的

in the power of 在…的控制下;受…支配

nikolai n. 尼古拉

hinoki n. 日本扁柏木;日本扁柏

catering service 餐饮服务;宴会服务;饮食服务

public office 公职