a chiefly migratory North American crane with greyish plumage and a red crown
n. 沙丘鹤
There are many kinds of cranes, such as the Common Crane, Sandhill Crane, Brolga, Black-necked Crane and so on, in all about 15 species.
Henry stands attentively, waits each time for the new wonder, emits small noises of pleasure for each Sandhill Crane,American Coot, Great Auk, Pileated Woodpecker.
Henry stands attentively, waits each time for the new wonder, emits small noises of pleasure for each Sandhill Crane, American Coot, Great Auk, Pileated Woodpecker.
沙丘鹤(拉丁学名:Grus canadensis Linnaeus),俗名棕鹤、加拿大鹤,鹤科鹤属鸟类动物,大型涉禽,被列入《世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录》无危物种,是国家二级重点保护野生动物。 沙丘鹤成鸟虹膜深红色,嘴暗灰色到橄榄灰色,腿和脚灰黑色,两性相似,雌鹤略小,具灰色羽缘,幼鸟虹膜灰褐色至红褐色,嘴和脚皮黄色,栖息在开阔的湿地、浅水沼泽和湿草甸,杂食性,主要以植物性食物为食,迁徙和越冬时主要吃小麦落穗等,动物性食物有蚯蚓等,有6个亚种,在中国发现的沙丘鹤属指名亚种G.c.canadensis,为迷鸟,在国外主要分布在北美洲,在中国分布于江苏等地。 在迁徙途中,沙丘鹤对小麦危害严重,因此西部种群常遭受定期猎杀。
a chiefly migratory North American crane with greyish plumage and a red crown