物理<Bold>】 </Bold>基尔霍夫定律。
"mid 19th cent.: named after G. R.
物理】 基尔霍夫定律
Kirchhoff's laws and the methods of circuit analysis are applied to identify isomorphism of kinematic chains.
Electromagnetic field theory based on Maxwell's equations (field method) and circuit theory based on Kirchhoff's laws (circuit method) are the main tools to analyze transmission line problems.
Electric currents: electric current, Ohm's law, conductivity, Kirchhoff's laws, time varying currents, free and forced oscillations, condensers, inductance, complex impedance, resonant circuits.
Such circuits follow Kirchhoff's circuit laws , and possess a resistance and inductance .
We can right the differential equations of the network using Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws.
物理<Bold>】 </Bold>基尔霍夫定律。
"mid 19th cent.: named after G. R.