The existing street access was straight drive up the garage and a direct side walks to the entry.
The 3 people side says the side walks and soon and then arrived at peaceful inside No. 7 doorway.
The existing street access is a straight drive up to the garage and via direct side walks to the entry.
The curved river water from the space, flows to a that profusion of color piece of sea, crash-bang the ballad is our anticipation, side a roadside walks sings is most comfortable.
A dog walks on the Israeli side of the Gaza Strip. In traditional Judaism, dogs are considered impure.
A dog walks on the Israeli side of the Gaza Strip.
Father and son entered the labyrinth of walks which leads to the grand flight of steps near the clump of trees on the side of the Rue Madame.
If a grown man walks down the West Side Highway with an adorable puppy, it can only mean good things for him.
Heart of lotus opens, body side of genial breezes walks.
Sara walks up behind Michael from the other side of the fence and tells him, “I just want you to know that if you need someone to talk to Michael; you're not alone in here.
The mysterious man who helped Lincoln earlier gets out of the car and walks around to the passenger side.
Your right face walks continuously movie theater in side. must be correct do not deceive me otherwise you die!
Policeman: Please pull your vehicle over to the side of the road. (the driver drives the car to the side of the road. The policeman walks to her car.) Please roll down your window.
"Starts getting into a point now." he walks to the side of door.
My eyes are one Ning, the body form quickly shakes, the step steps floor, suddenly a curtate side body ambulation walks.
As the horse walks you will feel the body sway from side to side.
Now everyone walks naked, the good and bad, side by side.
The matchmaker of the female side named Chang Tong walks beside him with a pack basket filled with new beddings on his backpack. The bride, crowded around by bridesmaids, walks in the middle.
For example, I used to need someone by my side wherever I went, but here I feel so comfortable with my surroundings that I sometimes like to take walks by myself.