Global information technology continues to accelerate the process leading to the community for postal services has set higher requirements, the traditional postal service mode has been challenged.
Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province are the core part of this area, so it is essential to accelerate the process of the integration of the economy.
Such an algorithm is verified to accelerate convergence process, enhance searching efficiency and solving precision as well as avoid low efficiency and local optimum.
It remains a historical mission for China to accelerate the process of urbanization, which will enable the nation to move towards moderate prosperity.
Antioxidants neutralize the free radicals that accelerate the process of cell decay and increase the chances of cells becoming cancerous .
This would merely accelerate the process.
It fuses statistic learning mechanism into the search process to accelerate the convergent process and improve the quality of solutions.
Also, to accelerate the pitting process the face width of the pinion employed was half that of the wheel.
It has been necessary to accelerate that process for the liver to get taken over by transplanted healthy cells.
Proper addition of oxygen during the tufftriding and nitriding can accelerate the process of chemical heat - treatment.