a member of an ancient people living in what is now Israel and Palestine and, according to biblical tradition, descended from the patriarch Jacob, grandson of Abraham. After the Exodus (
希伯来人(居住在现以色列和巴勒斯坦的古代民族,据《圣经》中所说,希伯来人系亚伯拉罕的孙子雅各的后裔,在出埃及[约公元前1300年] 后,希伯来人建了以色列王国和犹大王国,其经文和传统构成了犹太教的基础)。
old-fashioned and sometimes offensive term for
〈旧,有时冒犯〉 同<Bold>J</Bold><Bold>EW</Bold>.
[mass noun]the Semitic language of this people, in its ancient or modern form
of or in Hebrew
of the Hebrews or the Jews
"from Old French