nut meat
时间: 2024-05-12 09:47:58
英 [nʌt miːt]
美 [nət mit]


  • I am glad to have received NO 89 contract in which we ordered 50 tons of nut meat.

    敬启者, 兹收到关于我方所订购的50公吨核桃仁的第89号合同。

  • Grain, vegetables, fruits, seafood, meat, dairy product, nut and oil should be taken in at a reasonable proportion.


  • The menu includes salads with olives, capers and pine nuts; gluten-free bread with nut-based butter or olive tapenades; smoked salmon with herb dressing; and other various meat and fish dishes.


  • The self-described "animal nut, " who included the Humane Society of the U.S. in his will, sold the Mirage Hotel—and its dolphin tank—in 2000, and gave up meat and dairy this June.

    他自称“动物坚果”(animal nut),甚至在遗嘱里把美国动物保护协会列入其中。 2000年,他出售持有的金殿大酒店以及海豚池;今年6月,他放弃了肉食和牛奶。

  • The self-described "animal nut," who included the Humane Society of the U.S. in his will, sold the Mirage Hotel—and its dolphin tank—in 2000, and gave up meat and dairy this June.

    他自称“动物坚果”(animal nut),甚至在遗嘱里把美国动物保护协会列入其中。 2000年,他出售持有的金殿大酒店以及海豚池;今年6月,他放弃了肉食和牛奶。


invidious adj. 可能遭人怨恨的;会惹人愤怒的;招人嫉妒的;厚此薄彼的;不公平的;歧视的

bather n. 游泳者;游泳衣

dials v. 拨号;拨打电话;用标度(盘)测量;(dial的第三人称单数)。n. 表盘;日晷;钟面;拨号盘;刻度盘;转盘;(dial的复数)

supplicated vi. 恳请;哀求;(supplicate的过去式)

remanded v. 送回;(remand的过去分词)。n. 还押

operational definition 运作定义;操作定义

quit one's job 辞职

endorsing vt. 赞同;支持;签署;(endorse的现在分词形式)

unpredictable adj. 无法预测的;不定的;易变的;不可预言的

on the move 在变换地方, 在奔波;在前进, 在发展