You are Holmes, the meddler.
A malicious meddler who tries to discover sensitive information by poking around.
I know you, you scoundrel! I have heard of you before. You are Holmes, the meddler.
Pet. 4:15 For let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer or as a meddler into others' affairs;
彼前四15 你们中间却不可有人因为是杀人的、或偷窃的、作恶的、或好管闲事的而受苦。
The value of limitation has the nature of duality, which discloses the role of meddler-body politic, which also pays attention to private rights.
词根 meddle
meddlesome adj. 爱管闲事的;好干涉的
meddling adj. 干预的 n. 干预;瞎管 v. 干预;瞎弄(meddle的ing形式)
meddle vi. 管闲事,干预他人之事