时间: 2024-03-03 16:38:33
美 [ˈwɔːlpəʊl]

沃波尔,霍勒斯,奥福德伯爵;沃波尔,休(·西摩)爵士;Ⅱ. 沃波尔,罗伯特爵士,奥福德伯爵

  • I venerate the memory of my grandfather Horace Walpole.


  • Sir Thomas More was a man of stately and handsome presence (Horace Walpole).


  • "A few stars, twinkling faintly in the deep blue of the night sky" (Hugh Walpole).


  • French literary patron noted for her correspondence with Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Horace Walpole.


  • Sir Robert Walpole, Britain’s first prime minister, used navy ships to smuggle his favourite wines from France.

    罗伯特•华尔波尔爵士(Sir Robert Walpole),英国第一任首相,曾利用海军战舰从法国偷运他最喜爱的葡萄酒。


Horace, 4th Earl of Orford (1717—97), English writer and Whig politician, son of Sir Robert Walpole. He wrote The Castle of Otranto (1764), one of the first Gothic novels.

沃波尔,霍勒斯,奥福德伯爵[第四] (1717—1797,英国作家及辉格党政治家,罗伯特·沃波尔爵士之子;著有《奥特朗托堡》[1764] ,该书是最早的哥特式小说之一)。

Sir Hugh (Seymour) (1884—1941), British novelist, born in New Zealand. He is best known for The Herries Chronicle (1930—3), a historical sequence set in the Lake District

沃波尔,休(·西摩)爵士(1884—1941,英国小说家,生于新西兰,以其《赫里斯记事》[1930—1933] 最为著名,该作品是以英国湖区为背景的历史系列小说)。

Sir Robert, 1st Earl of Orford (1676—1745), British Whig statesman, First Lord of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer 1715—17 and 1721—42, father of Horace Walpole. Walpole is generally regarded as the first British Prime Minister, having presided over the cabinet for George Ⅰ and George

Ⅱ. 沃波尔,罗伯特爵士,奥福德伯爵[第一] (1676—1745,英国辉格党政治家,财政委员会首席委员兼财政大臣[1715—1717 和1721—1742] ,霍勒斯·沃波尔之父,被普遍认为是英国第一位首相,在乔治一世和乔治二世时期主持内阁)。


low level 低水平;低级别;低层次

ladies and gentlemen 女士们,先生们

hampers n. 大篮子;礼物篮;脏衣娄;(hamper的复数)。v. 妨碍;束缚;(hamper的第三人称单数)

skewer n. 串肉棒;串肉扦。v. 用(针)别住;用扦串住;尖锐地批评

purple ink 紫色墨水;紫色的墨水;紫颜色的墨水

connection closed

eliminates vt. 淘汰;消除;排除;根除;(eliminate的第三人称单数)

near by 附近;在附近

throughout prep.&adv. 贯穿;遍及;到处;自始至终

well oiled adj. 醉的;运作顺利的