n. 睡魔
Now no one in all the world can tell children such good stories as Ole, the Sandman.
Scout with the Sandman has considerably less health than usual. Use this to your advantage.
"She has come to ask you to go to party," the Sandman said. "It's a wedding party, Hjalmar."
Peter Sandman 9, a risk Communication Consultant, points out that perceived risk is different from real risk.
Peter Sandman 9,是一个风险顾问,他指出感觉到的风险不同于实际的风险。
Throughout these lessons we will execute the technical processes required to create the "Sandman Effect".
在《王鱼行动》和《使命召唤:现代战争3》中出现,服役于美国三角洲特种部队,为合金小队队长,代号“合金0-1”。为掩护普莱斯和尤里保护俄罗斯总统撤撤离 三角洲洲特种部队 与特拉克和格林奇在即将崩塌的矿井中拖住敌人,后下落不明。
《sandman》是由英国歌手Kirsty McGee演唱的歌曲。同时,该歌曲也被用作电影《Trance》的插曲。