They click upon themselves as the breeze rises and turns many-colored as the stir cracks and crazes their enamel.
Opacity is due to crazes in the resin.
These fashions and crazes come and go very rapidly.
Then designer Keahi Seymour planned to put a huge spring in the step of youth crazes.
Crazes of torsion always are an important factor of wire breaking in bend wire producing.
If it is minutes that McGrady crazes to rehab his image, the Celtics are the clear-cut winner.
Sometimes the density of crazes is sufficient to give the stressed plastic a milky appearance .
Like so many global crazes, this worldwide rise was powered by two engines: television and the internet.
Cash back credit CARDS are one of the latest and most popular crazes to sweep the personal finance industry.
Neil: So Ben Michaelis believes that people join crazes because they are afraid of being abandoned by others in their group.
It has also lent its name to some wildly popular internet crazes, like Lolcats, whose appeal spread far beyond the realms of cyber-geeks.
History is littered with stories of property crazes that ended in tears, from the Florida land boom of the 1920s to the recent subprime bubble.
Its growing popularity taps into the probiotic and detox diet crazes, along with consumers' thirst for traditional remedies and Chinese medicine.
Here I discovered not one but two instant messaging crazes. The first, which brought back memories of my previous addiction to the computer, was QQ.
It was observed that there was a direct connection between the fractographs, the fracture path and the crack tip crazes or microcracks in rib region.
Following crazes for tea-cup piglets, pygmy hedgehogs and meerkats, it seems that baby skunks, with their soft fur and ability to be house-trained, are proving an ideal family pet.