The show, hosted by Nick Lachey, follows some young and talented teenagers that are participating in a summer program to hone their music skills.
这台真人秀由Nick Lachey主持,面向广大有才华的年轻人,让他们得以加入到这项暑假活动,打造他们的音乐才能。
Narrator Nick Carraway describes him as "an elegant young rough-neck, a year or two over 30, whose elaborate formality of speech just missed being absurd" and then leaves us to fill in the blanks.
叙事人尼克.卡罗威描述盖茨比是“一位年轻文雅而又健壮的人,大概三十一二岁,说话时一本正经得可笑。” (这里查看网上中文版本的是“一个风度翩翩的年轻汉子,三十一二岁年纪,说起话来文质彬彬,几乎有点可笑。”)
Another potential purchaser notes, "Nick Cage has aged terribly in the past 10 years, he's obviously not been drinking his daily amount of blood to stay young."
Nick Wileman is a school caretaker so it is vital that he gets on well with young people.
Nick Buckley was an unusual name for a pretty young woman. But then she had led an unusual life. First, on a treacherous Cornish hillside, the brakes on her car failed.
Colourful and fun with Nick Sharratt's bold bright illustrations, this is a simple novelty book for the very young.
Nick: So, what about young people?
Nick Nolte said that when he played a young man in the early scenes of the project, he weighed about 160 pounds.
Nick: So, what about young people? Is there a different way they interact physically with each other?
尼克·杨(Nick Young,1985年6月1日-),出生于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,美国职业篮球运动员,司职后卫/小前锋,现效力于BIG3联赛Enemies战队。 尼克·杨是擅长接球投篮的得分箭头,运动能力出色;2007年,被华盛顿奇才选中正式登陆NBA,先后效力于快船、湖人、勇士、掘金等NBA球队;加盟勇士后,随勇士队夺得2017-18赛季NBA总冠军。