Night-walkers, magicians, priests of Bacchus and priestesses of the wine-vat, mystery-mongers.
The acolytes were clad in robes of pale yellow and bright orange, priests and priestesses in red.
Thus, Jarod sought out one of the priestesses of Elune in the hope that she could heal his prisoner.
As the boy's condition grew worse, the Priestesses of Shalassa told the Daimyo his son would not survive the night.
The only people who are able to access the shrine are the Japanese imperial family and the high priestesses and priests.
A convent of Kaldorei priestesses in southern Auberdine, the Order is arguably the most demanding and exacting of all her organizations.
When she stood at the bottom, the two tall priestesses put on her a black robe and hood and mantle, and turned her around again to face the steps, the dark stain, the throne.
The steel required to produce the prestressing force in the priestesses member actively preloads the member, permitting a relatively high controlled recovery of cracking and deflection.
Those deemed "witches" by the Church included all female scholars, priestesses, gypsies, mystics, nature lovers, herb gatherers, and any women "suspiciously attuned to the naturalworld.