create structure
时间: 2023-06-12 03:21:18
英 [kriːˈeɪt ˈstrʌktʃə]
美 [kriˈeɪt ˈstrək(t)ʃər]


  • You can easily see what things you postpone, but at the same time it can help to create structure.


  • Did you know Dale Chihuly is going to create a glass white flag to stick in the top of that silver structure as an ode to his love of Hershey's Kisses?


  • Instead of using a single fuselage cylinder, they used two partial cylinders placed side by side to create a wider structure whose cross-section resembles two soap bubbles joined together.


  • The congenital safety margin and the stress fluctuations which caused by various sensitive parameters combine to the antipulls limit value of the concretes, and create the structure dehiscence.


  • Thirdly, we should create a new community governance structure form and foster diversity community structures and also the mode to separate the legislative and the executive branch.


  • What is required is a carbon tax administered by the UN to create a negative feedback mechanism on the international economic structure to create a stable system.


  • Surface reconstruction helps scientists more closely align comparable regions and structures in many different brains and has been used to create online atlases of brain structure.


  • By all working together to create content and a structure for this persona, your team is taking a positive step towards making your site more usable.


  • If you want a different serialization, then the designers go back to the drawing board and create a new structure that requires an entirely different parser.


  • So what this program allows you to do is to create pieces of text (about anything you wish) and organize them into a hierarchical structure.

    因此 ,这个程序的功能就是让你创建文本(写下你想写的任何内容)并把它们组织成分级结构。


partial success 部分成功

drunkenness n. 酒醉;醉态

chest n. 胸膛;箱;资金;上身;小箱子;金库;钱库;公款。v. 以胸部推

singlets pl-n. 汗衫;背心;单(谱)线;零自旋(核)能极;单态;(singlet的复数)

expect to do sth 期望做某事

Chicago Board of Trade n. 芝加哥期货交易所

discounting v. 打折扣;对(可能性;事实;人)不全信;对…不予考虑;贴现;降低(产品或服务的)价格;(discount的现在分词)

way of life 典型的行为方式

root ball n. 根团

built adj. 建造;具有…体格的