another term for
同<Bold>RED PANDA.</Bold>
n. 小熊猫;小猫熊
There is one of rare animals Yunnan snub-nose monkey, lesser panda.
Owing to the human activities, too much cutting of the forests and hunting, lesser pandas disappeared in part of the lesser panda districts and are constantly retreating to the southern mountains.
小熊猫(拉丁学名:Ailurus fulgens),食肉目小熊猫科小熊猫属动物,《世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录》( IUCN)濒危物种(EN),国家二级保护动物。 小熊猫外形像猫,但较猫肥大,全身红褐色;圆脸,吻部较短,脸颊有白色斑纹;耳大,直立向前,四肢粗短,为黑褐色,尾长、较粗而蓬松,并有12条红暗相间的环纹;尾尖深褐色,蹠行性,前后足均具5趾,无性二型。其栖居于大的树洞或石洞和岩石缝中,早晚出来活动觅食,白天多在洞里或大树的荫深处睡觉。中国主要分布于西藏(喜马拉雅山南坡)、云南、四川等省。
another term for
同<Bold>RED PANDA.</Bold>