feature editor
时间: 2023-09-25 23:04:12


  • Today our guest is Rosie Melinda who works as a features editor for Fashion magazine.


  • Hi Rosie, you're a features editor at one of the most widely read women's magazines in the U.K.


  • How does the job of features editor differ from that of fashion editor or other editorial positions?


  • She is the features editor with that magazine.


  • When I was features editor on a daily paper, I had lunch away from my desk once in five years.


  • Paul McMullan is the former News of the World deputy features editor who helped blow the whistle on phone-hacking practices at the paper. "it's."

    Paul McMullan就是前任的执行编辑,他帮助揭露了报纸进行电话信息窃取的整个活动。

  • In addition to these, I love writing. I especially enjoy creative writing, such as plays and poems, and I work as Features Editor on the school paper.


  • She is a former features editor and staff writer for the Atlantic Wire, and was previously a research assistant at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.


  • The report was authored by Deborah Cohen (BMJ features editor), and Philip Carter, a journalist who works for the Bureau of Investigative Journalism in London.


  • The visual snippet editor and all its features.


  • ACE is a simple text editor with standard features such as copy/paste and load/save.

    ACE 是一个简单的包括标准特色的文本编辑器,比如拷贝/粘贴,读取/保存等。

  • Extensibility: For adding in needed features to the editor or limiting existing behavior.


  • Without a code editor, no other features matter in an IDE. Around the editor is built the rest of the development environment.


  • This enables editor features such as content assist and open declaration to find even more information that has been possible in previous releases," Schaefer said.


  • One of the most useful features of the BPWS4J editor is that it can check the validity of the process while it is being created.


  • Type the snippet of code shown in Listing 1 (to experience the completion features of the editor), which is supposed to print the digits 1-10.

    输入 清单 1 所示的代码片段,体会一下编辑器的代码补全特性。 这段代码的意图是输出数字 1-10。

  • In the following sections, we'll take a quick look at Visual Editor V0.5 and some of its most interesting features.

    在下面几节中,我们将快速地浏览Visual Editor 0.5以及它的一些最有趣的特性。

  • The latest release of EJB Visual Editor in Rational Application Developer Version 6.0 has many new features, in addition to the already robust existing functionality. This article will cover.

    Rational Application Developer版本6.0中最新发布的ejb可视化编辑器除了已经存在的强健功能,还有很多新特性。

  • The rule editor provides basic editing features (such as syntax checking and highlighting).


  • With the RegEx rules editor, you define concept types and their features and then assign rules with regular expression patterns to those types.



school term 学期

go wrong 出错, 走入歧途

speech recognition n. 计算机语音识别

erroneous adj. 错误的;不正确的

blancpain 宝珀

scheduled flight 排定航班;原定航班;定期航班

besides prep. 除…以外。adv. 此外;而且;也

muscle tension 肌肉紧张;肌肉张力;肌张力

chinese festival

netease 网易