Boys and girls, taken as groups, have different interests, propensities and needs.
If these two groups have equal spending propensities, there is no aggregate impact.
The contradiction between this two propensities is inherent in the relation between words and images.
They flow from my hygienic propensities, because I hate to see so many young minds infected by Heidegger.
The two probable outlooks of sociological romanticism can lead to two propensities: emotional romanticism and rat.
Instead, our aim will be to show how dependent speech - and language-production are on specific physiological propensities.
This thesis contains the related studies mainly on two topics: their backboneconformations and their amino acid propensities.
The two probable outlooks of sociological romanticism can lead to two propensities: emotional romanticism and rational romanticism.
Genes do not give anyone an excuse, but they do provide a window into how our biology shapes our propensities for a wide variety of behaviors.
"It's a great study and the first, I think, that really is really biologically relevant to wolves," meaning that it tests their natural propensities, says Bekoff.
To this day chaebol families are more admired for their economic contribution than reviled for their criminal propensities, which are often viewed as the foibles of a ruling aristocracy.
But "work First" candidates are assigned to placement agencies on a rotating basis, and these agencies, in turn, have different propensities to put jobseekers into either temporary or full-time work.