[mass noun](一般作
〈英, 非正式〉 失业救济金
she is drawing the dole 她在领取失业救济金
[as modifier]
my next dole cheque .我的下一张救济支票。
[count noun]
〈旧〉 (食物、衣服或金钱等)慈善品。
〈诗/文〉 命运;定数。
distribute shares of something
the scanty portions of food doled out to them .按份额发放给他们的少得可怜的食物。
〈古,诗/文〉 悲哀;忧伤。
the dole queue the unemployed people receiving benefit from the state 领取救济的失业人员another 21,300 people joined the dole queues in May . 5月份又有21,300 人加入了领取失业救济金的队伍 -
on the dole informal registered as unemployed and receiving benefit from the state 〈非 正式〉 领取失业救济金的
"Old English