There were stars everywhere and naked women with their bodies painted , donning crazy pagoda hairpieces.
His name brings to mind images of naked women bound by ropes, often dangling precariously above the floor.
It is, in fact, Salvador Dalí’s “In Voluptas Mors”, a picture of seven naked women made to look like a human skull.
事实上,那是超现实主义绘画大师萨尔瓦多·达利的作品“In Voluptas Mors”-幅由7个裸女组成的骷髅头画作。
Sure, there's an aftermarket of options-piney scent strips, hubcaps that spin, mud flaps with mirrors in the shape of naked women-but, well, that's just not me.
Sure, there's an aftermarket of options - piney scent strips, hubcaps that spin, mud flaps with mirrors in the shape of naked women-but, well, that's just not me.
Nor had she been any more naked than the girls and women I had already seen at the swimming pool.
An online survey from China’s popular matchmaker’s network, Jiayuan.com, showed 38 percent of women voted in “support” of a naked marriage, while 77 percent of male voters were happy with it.
I am one of the few who marries for love. I think only two women out of ten would choose to have a 'naked' marriage, most people are forced into it because they do not have any choice.