highly unpleasant, especially to the senses; physically nauseating
plastic bags burn with a nasty, acrid smell .塑料袋燃烧时散发出令人恶心的辛辣味道。
(of the weather)unpleasantly cold or wet
it's a nasty old night .这是个湿冷的鬼夜晚。
repugnant to the mind; morally bad
her stories are very nasty, full of murder and violence .她的故事充斥了谋杀和暴力,让人厌恶。
(of a person or animal)behaving in an unpleasant or spiteful way
Harry was a nasty, foul-mouthed old devil 哈里是个令人厌恶、满嘴脏话的老魔鬼
when she confronted him he turned nasty .她一与他对抗,他就变得恶毒起来。
annoying or unwelcome
life has a nasty habit of repeating itself .生活总是讨厌地重复。
physically or mentally damaging or harmful
a nasty, vicious-looking hatchet .一把看上去杀气腾腾、令人寒战的短柄小斧。
(of an injury, illness, or accident)having caused harm; severe
a nasty bang on the head .砰地猛撞到脑袋。
〈非正式〉 令人不快的人(或物);有害的人(或物)
a water conditioner to neutralize chlorine and other nasties .用以中和氯和其他有害物质的水质调节剂。
a horror video or film
恐怖录像(或影片)。参见<Bold>VIDEO NASTY</Bold>.
a nasty one informal an awkward question or task 〈非正式〉 棘手的问题(或任务) -
a nasty piece (或bit) of work informal an unpleasant or untrustworthy person 〈非 正式〉 令人不快的人;不值得信赖的人 -
a nasty taste in the mouth 见TASTE .something nasty in the woodshed 见WOODSHED .
" late Middle English; of unknown origin. "